i think that by now we are all ::well aware:: that i have an addiction to la target.
a few months ago my little sister began using target brand baby soap as an eye makeup remover [works like a charm btw].i of course jumped on the bandwagon.
but, it doesn't end there.
mr. lemon pie and i began 'project wedding' which entailed a new gym membership + permanent lockers to make it easier to be able to shower and then go about work/play/errands.
this meant buying doubles of everything.
well, i was not going to buy doubles of the slightly expensive body wash that i use at home, so i decided to go with the target brand [up & up] baby soap and baby lotion.
dual purpose - it removes my makeup AND it is a body wash.
here is the kicker:
i have super sensitive skin that breaks out because of EVERYTHING and while i am totally dedicated to proactive on my face i found that a lot of things [including proactive] happen to be too harsh for the rest of me.
except for the baby soap.
my skin looks and feels better.
even after swimming in a super chlorinated pool twice a week for a couple of weeks.
the best part of this whole thing: it all cost me less than $5
how's that for pre-wedding savings.
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