Friday, November 20, 2009
so i have this friend...
but i do have this friend.
who i have known for a total of ohhhh somehting like 8 weeks.
and you know what she did in that 8 weeks?
she made me love her TO DEATH.
and now ... well her little spot beside me will be empty from 9-5.
and yes i will still see her sweet face doing many more fun things like:
drinking lattes
painting ceramics
invading other cities
i will MISS her.
and not the kind of miss that you are like 'ohwahteveritsnotabigdeal'
the kind of miss where you're like WHOAireallymissyou.
the silver lining though [because there is always always a silver lining]
is that this is one of those times that just when you think your life was really perfect, it got more perfecter.
you know that feeling right?
oh goodness i hope you do.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
for real?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
something new.

did you ever have something that you wanted to SCREAM from the roof tops but under absolutely no circumstances were you allowed to mention even a whisper?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
well worn
years of artful dancing. and aching.
the thrills of the stage. and the quietness of backstage.
graceful bows and pliets.
something about this photo instantly reminded me of my 5 years short of life long friendship with my lovely tara.
i think it might be that these shoes seem to be worn in all the right places and look oh so comfortable.
like you could slip them on every day and dance dance dance.
just like us.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
because they match the rest of my wardrobe
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
love love love them [even though i have had a hard time finding them lately].
the delicious karey m. reminded me of these ones today and they made my otherwise ireallyhateyouandidontwanttodoanythingtoday mood fly out right out the window.
sometimes you just need a little reminder of what you have.
or what you stand to lose.
i've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does
go on and it will be better tomorrow. i've learned that you can tell a lot about
a person by the way he handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage,
and tangled christmas tree lights. i've learned that regardless of your
relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your
life. i've learned that making a living is not the same thing as making a life.
i've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance. i've learned that
you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to
be able to throw something back. i've learned that whenever i decide something
with an open heart, i usually make the right decision. i've learned that even
when i have pains, i don't have to be one. i've learned that every day you
should reach out and touch someone. people love a warm hug, or just a friendly
pat on the back. i've learned that i still have a lot to learn. i've learned
that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but
people will never forget the way you made them feel.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
delicious paper

Saturday, October 24, 2009
love letters

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
oh hello
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
a new edition? possibly.
it is a possibility that you are going to be seeing him around these parts soon.
my lack of pictures lately is directly related to my laziness of not uploading them from the camerara. [you can ask mr. lemon pie how he feels about that. i must warn you though, it might not be very pretty or lovely. thankfully he loves me just the same even when i drive him a little bit nuts]
Friday, September 25, 2009
can we talk about this please?
melting into a puddle of happiness.
why you ask?
well, have a little read below and you'll see why.
“When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake,
and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You
have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is
inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is
not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the desire to mate every
second of the day. It is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing
every part of your body. No… don’t blush. I am telling you some truths. For that
is just being in love; which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love
itself is what is left over, when being in love has burned away.”- Captain
Corelli’s Mandolin
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
not the first and certainly not the last
i had always loved them and then about oh 7 years ago [has it really been that long?!] a dear dear friend gave me a journal with a few good quotes and told me to fill the rest with my own.
best gift ever.
and i know i have paid it forward quite a few times as well.
this is being added to the collection for sure:
“If you pick me a flower, I’ll wear it in my hair. I’ll stash little notes for
you where you least expect them. I don’t have many firsts left.. but I’d like
someone who I could offer all of my lasts. We’ll make history together. I’ll
wait for you even if you’re late – and I won’t complain about it. Kindness to
cashiers, valets, waiters and maddeningly slow postal clerks who would try the
patience of Gandhi is a must. I will feel safe and most at peace in your arms.
When you’re counting aloud, I will try and mess you up. I find you magically
delicious. I will let you be right when it doesn’t really matter. I’ll giggle
when you show off and I know it’s just for me. I’ll hold your coffee while you
drive. I can build a fire without burning the house down. If you wash the car
with me – I promise to wear a white t-shirt for you. I‘ll hide around corners
and try to scare you in the middle of the night.. of course, I’ll end up scaring
myself and you’ll have to calm me down. I can change a flat tire and my own oil.
It’s the simple things you do that make me swoon the most. I love it when you
sing to me. I’ll make you mickey mouse pancakes. Sleeping in has a whole new
meaning now that we’re doing it together. I’ll cover you up and kiss your
forehead when you fall asleep watching tv. I won’t swear around your family or
make you wear silly sweaters at my family’s during Christmas. I’ll grant you
three wishes. I’ll make you laugh. I’ll stare in wonder with you at that hot
chick with the great rack. I will marvel at your strength. I’ll take care of you
when you’re sick. I give a kick ass massage. I think it’s hot when you come home
all dirty from playing or working hard. My heart will skip every time you walk
through the door. My kisses will take your breath away – seriously. I’ll giggle
if you leave your socks on in bed. My quirks and oddities have been deemed
‘adorable’ and I will love you more everyday for all of yours. I’ll hold you
when you need it. I will give you space when you need it. I will let you be you.
You’ll sleep better when I’m next to you. I’ll thank you every time you open a
door for me. I’ll never give you shit in front of your friends. I won’t ever let
you leave for work in the morning without your lunch and a passionate kiss. We
can watch your movie first. I’ll clean the house perfectly every time your mom
comes by. I like horror movies only when you’re with me and only as long as you
hold me close. I don’t litter. I love when you pull me down to sit on your lap.
I love it when you lay your head on my chest in bed. I can be ready (shower and
all) in half an hour. I’ll look cute as hell in your shirt in the morning. I can
balance a checkbook. I can never turn down a challenge. I’ll fit perfectly in
your arms. I’ll understand if you get jealous – and do my best to show you that
you have no reason. Hand-written love notes will get you laid every time. I can
totally keep a secret. I’m pretty damn funny and will do anything to make you
laugh. You will always look hot to me in the morning. I think it’s cute when you
eat off my plate. When you’re sleeping, I’ll try to stay quiet. I’ll call when I
say I will. Treat me like a woman and I’ll treat you like a man. To clarify: I’m
not looking for a fix-up project, or anything of that sort. I’m looking for a
man who quite simply adds something extraordinary and special to my life. And I
to him. A fair exchange, an amazing mind, body and soul connection and a place
to build something magnificent.”
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
perfect flowers

are these not the most perfect flowers ever?
ok ok you don't have to agree but friends...these make my heart pitter patter.
i think i have *finally* found my DIY flower inspiration.
what would be even more lovely is if some of these could be found in the gardens of friends and family.
where did you get your flower inspiration?
Friday, September 18, 2009
as of late
literally every day.
what i've completed (&shipped):
1 'taggie'
1 awesome quilt
song bird onesie with little matching rumba pants
in the works:
another awesome quilt using some of my favorite fabric
a snuggly bunny hat
a sweet little dress for lilla
another taggie
pink little houndstooth rumba pants
...the little things i have already shipped, i have no pictures.
i really do need to be better about that but you can see the song bird onesie in the shop as well as the snuggly bunny hat.
next step: take pictures of EVERYTHING. srsly.
are you ready for the weekend?
Friday, September 11, 2009
let them eat cake.
i walked into konditor meister today, saw this amazing creation and fell in love.
best part:
mr. lemon pie was with me and loves it as much as i do.
it has ruffles.
and rhinestones.
mr. lemon pie's sweet godmother will be making our cake but this...this is our inspiration.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
birdcages & bobs
my response has always been ‘i am sure we will figure it out.’
then i saw this photo:

and dropped dead because it is basically everything that i want in a hairstyle and a birdcage.
i thought i wanted a fascinator to go along along with the birdcage but now i am not so sure.
i think i like the simplicity of the just the birdcage.
what are your thoughts – fascinator or no fascinator?
Friday, September 4, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
totally madly deeply in love
Friday, August 28, 2009
can i have 8 weddings?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
eco living: does this qualify?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
little sister lemon pie who will be 19. [which is really not so little]
my gorgeous 'niece' lil who will be 5. [where did the time go?!]
my wonderful mr. lemon pie who really does deserve the world.
example [from this morning via text during our respective commutes]:
me: hi
me: just a reminder that i love you
mr. lemon pie: you don't need to remind me about that. i always know that you love me. and i always love you.
is that not the best way to start the day?
so, back to the point of this post.
normally i am 100% on top of this whole gift giving thing but i am lagging behind. i am pretty sure that i am going to do this for mr. lemonpie...but the others....where do i begin?
note: lil loves a good handmade gift and frequently requests dresses. little sister well she is a bit tougher BUT will be going into her sophomore year of college.
any ideas?
Friday, August 14, 2009
a testimonial [of sorts]

i think that by now we are all ::well aware:: that i have an addiction to la target.
a few months ago my little sister began using target brand baby soap as an eye makeup remover [works like a charm btw].i of course jumped on the bandwagon.
but, it doesn't end there.
mr. lemon pie and i began 'project wedding' which entailed a new gym membership + permanent lockers to make it easier to be able to shower and then go about work/play/errands.
this meant buying doubles of everything.
well, i was not going to buy doubles of the slightly expensive body wash that i use at home, so i decided to go with the target brand [up & up] baby soap and baby lotion.
dual purpose - it removes my makeup AND it is a body wash.
here is the kicker:
i have super sensitive skin that breaks out because of EVERYTHING and while i am totally dedicated to proactive on my face i found that a lot of things [including proactive] happen to be too harsh for the rest of me.
except for the baby soap.
my skin looks and feels better.
even after swimming in a super chlorinated pool twice a week for a couple of weeks.
the best part of this whole thing: it all cost me less than $5
how's that for pre-wedding savings.
Monday, August 10, 2009
organization skills

about a minute after we got engaged i started thinking about our wedding binder and all the deliciousness that i would fill it with.
so i typed up all these lists and whatnot and put them in page protectors and that was that.
except it wasn’t because i think we all know how i love pretty things and these sheets were …well….
so i took some inspiration and created these babies which i love.
as soon as i get them all typed up i will post a template here for some downloading fun.
because folks – business can’t be all work and no play!
Friday, August 7, 2009
i swear this is not a lie
he is an old pro.
it was my 'first ride.'
and let me tell you something - i am downright addicted.
like a drug addicted.
i have been taking baby steps to get back into a good gym routine and this was my gigantic leap and i am so glad i did it.
it was fun and engaging and best of all...
it went by so fast.
like 'did i really just bike for 40 minutes?' fast.
i was even a little sad it was over. [i know right?!]
so spinning is def going to be added into the routine and i could not be happier.
also: one of the best parts about this story is that when mr. lemon pie and i first met [and before we started dating] we used to make fun of couples that would go to the gym together. one year later - here we are with our gym bags treking in there together. never in a million years did i ever think that would happen but you know what...
life could not be sweeter.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
so totally what i am looking for
when i think of our wedding this is what almost immediately comes to mind.
our venue has the same high ceilings and massive amounts of windows.
is it next summer yet?
i know. i know.
a little ahead of myself right?
i am just over the moon excited to marry the love of my life.
oh! and did i tell you? we've decided on place cards/favors!
this whole wedding planning gig is everything + more than it is cracked up to be.
Monday, August 3, 2009
i am ready
the countdown begins here folks.
the wedding is officially 12 months away [WOOHOO!] and toned arms are not something my body knows about.
but i am starting slow.
i don't want to burn out.
tonight will be my first foray into water aerobics and i will make my way up to spinning and pilates classes.
did you have a workout routine pre-wedding? if not, how did you get started?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
am i going to be in trouble for this?
and i found the 'recently listed' feed.
then i put it on full screen.
and watched it fill up with handmade goodness.
i do not think i ever should have found that because really it is torture. torture torture.
i would like to have it all...ok?
the upside: it made me want to be wildly creative again [i've missed that].
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
it is so easy in the summer to just let the warm days and sun take you away from the less fun things that you should be doing.
like laundry
and organizing
this weekend though, totally worth it.
my love took part 1 of the cpa exam which we celebrated with chocolate cake
my sweet little sewing machine made her way back home running like a dream after some much needed tlc.
dancing and laughing and complete joy at the wedding of a dear friend [mr. lemon pie and i, we love a good excuse to get all dolled up].
the new edition of a wii fit [which so kindly informed me that i need to get my butt in gear]
today. today is back to the grind.
and some serious planning to get back on track.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
two things
two: i woke up this morning to find that my car had been broken into. ew. all they got was my GPS [a birthday present from mr. lemonpie because i am certainly directionally challenged] and my make-up bag [which was horrifying because it had EVERYTHING in it...and it is not cheap to replace.
thankfully they are just things. replaceable things that don't mean anything in the grand scheme.
the big thing today: mr. lemonpie's first hurdle and what i am sure will be triumph and that my friends is something to celebrate.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

but i was still a little worried.
then today a co-worker brought in the invitations that she made for her daughters wedding and holy cow!
they are amazing.
and classy.
and beautiful.
so very very soon i am going to embark on this endeavor to be sure that i have enough time to fiddle.
what do you think diy invitations or not?
Friday, July 17, 2009
on doing it yourself
we have a teeny little thing called a wedding budget.
i know this means different things to different people but to us it means keeping the cost of this affair under $12,000.
i have decided that our smaller budget it actually a blessing in disguise.
why you ask?
well, instead of outsourcing to vendors we get to include those most important to us in planning and executing.
I really love that idea.
I love the idea that everyone will be working together and that we will get to spend a few extra moments that we may not have had with friends and family.
Our do it yourself list is a somewhat lengthy one:
Through all of this, the most important part of our wedding day is the connection we have with each other and the people who have supported us our entire lives.
We want our wedding day to not only be a celebration of the beginning of our lives together but also a thank you to all of those who have helped us reach this point in our lives.
What are your do it yourself projects? Are you planning on having your family and friends be a large part of your big day?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
let's get rich and build our house on a mountain
we have discussed it to death over the past year – the pros the cons, how easy it would be, how much money we could save, how fun it would be, how it would make the married transition easier, how much more we’d get to see each other and on and on and on.
the other night after we had made appointments just to ‘see what was out there’ we had a light bulb moment.
we don’t want to shack up together…yet.
we have years and years of coming home to each other and saving for a house and on and on and on.
what about right now [and how hard it can be both living at home]?
right now we will enjoy the last year of looking forward to seeing each other after being apart for three days.
we will cherish those moments when mr. lemonpie drops me off on sunday night and we sit in the car [not wanting to leave each other] and talk about what a great weekend we had and how amazing it was to spend the whole day together.
i will still send little love notes via snail mail.
he will still send me flowers.
and we will squeeze our eyes shut tight and scream i miss you over the phone lines.
but most of all right now we will dream about the days when we don’t have to leave, or say i miss you and when we can wake up every morning next to our favorite person ever.
i know it doesn’t work for everyone but it works for us and for the first time well, ever, we are ok with it [and those who think we are nuts for waiting.]
did you wait to move in with your love? are you living with your love now? how does living together or not living together make your relationship happier?
inspired by:
Monday, July 13, 2009
pre wedding chop
sound scary?
what got me thinking about this?
well, when mr. lemonpie and i got engaged i had visions of the lauren conrad side ponytail. i even brought my hairdresser a magazine picture of lauren’s hair and said ‘i want that’
4 months later here i am at the hairdresser for the usual ‘cut and color’ when i say ‘i really want to cut it all off but i am afraid that by next summer it won’t be long enough.’
my hairdresser then tells me not to cut it because i am not ready.
so i told her to cut it because heck! do not tell me i am not ready! not to mention it is hair and it will grow back and it is going to look awesome next summer because it will be all new and freshly grown out and i will have the side ponytail of my dreams.
30 minutes later i am staring at the sweetest most loveliest blonde bob that i have ever had my entire life and i am completely and totally head over heels in love with it.
and i cannot bear for a second to grow it out because – i am not lying when i tell you this – it does whatever i want it to do. last weekend mr. lemonpie and i went on a 15 mile bike ride [yes, i even wore a helmet], drove with the windows down and went for a swim, and my hair still looked good!
so my dream of a luxurious side ponytail on my wedding day has been replaced with dreams of pin curls and rockabillys and pretty waves.
did anyone else take the plunge and chop off their hair before their wedding?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
may december romance

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
check. check. and check.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
meet bette
Monday, June 29, 2009
houston, we have a problem.
i know - it really did take me this long to bid on and win an item.
i started out looking for a typewriter....and now i am the proud owner of 100 vintage stamps.
yes. 100.
they are beautiful though.
love stamps and rose stamps and north american wildlife stamps and gorgeous blue jay stamps.
this weekend i decided that i was going to stop bidding on vintage stamps because this was getting out of control. and then this morning i won two more auctions that i really didn't think i was going to win. and that brought my total to 100.
except since they are all vintage stamps (20, 32 & 22 cent) i now have to bid on some more to ehem, complete my collection right?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
we've only just begun

this is how we rang in new years with two of our favorite people.

and this is our first vacation together.

sure enough the love of my life proposed to me right in front of cinderella's castle. during this show:
i had no idea.
so i asked.
and he told me that his wish is that i would marry him.
my answer: yes. yes. yes. yesyesyesyes.
because this man really does make all my wishes come true.
also: they are limited edition which means that not everyone will be coloring with them. or wearing them for that matter. if i didn't have to SAVE until the cows come home these delicious crayon rings would be on their way to my doorstep. right. now.
and the packaging...well is
and then there were these:
and you can get them on etsy from kitty baby love.
handmade = totally awesome.
did i mention that each little kitty face is a teeny bit different because their little kitty baby faces are hand carved.
does it get better than that?
[all of this amazing crayon-ness via ohdeedoh]
here we go. again.
i'm gone.
i'm here.
i'm gone.
enough with the back and forth already right.
i've got a few things (wonderful things) on my radar.
and i am about to tell you all about them.
Friday, February 27, 2009
off the needles
turned into a [long overdue] blanket for the sweetest little 2 and a half month old i know. which i am sure will be loved and snuggled over and over.
4 skeins of bernat cotton tots = super soft and cushy. size 9 needles. cast on 74 stitches. feather & fan is worked in multiples of 18. i added an extra knit stitch at the edge. (72 sts for the pattern+2).
sappy fridays
but this:
“Whatever train you came on, is the train that I’ll take home. Your head upon my shoulder as the sun is sinking low. I always am reminded when the stars come out to shine. You bring joy, joy, joy and peace of mind.” {grateful dead}
oh it takes my breath away.
Friday, February 20, 2009
the distance
solution: run to slower music
the playlist:
song - artist - [comments]
boy with a coin - iron & wine [very 'juno']
heartbeat - madonna [amazingly delicious]
i'm on fire - kate tucker [possibly the best cover ever]
blue light - bloc party [still listening to this even after two years]
viva la vida - coldplay [need i say more?]
hummingbird - wilco [catchy and lovely]
the fear - lily allen [omg. new favorite song]
75 and sunny - ryan montbleau band [talent.talent.talent.]
be somebody - kings of leon [mildly obsessed]
time to pretend - mgmt [two words: brit pop]
breakdown - handsome boy modeling school feat. jack johnson [stellar collaboration]
angry dance - the shills [i saw them play a basement show!]
lightspeed - matt & kim [hand claps!]
world hold on - bob sinclair feat. steve edwards [great way to push through the last few minutes]
hopefully this will relax me a little and then i can run for a bit longer.
i'm off to give it a whirl
*all the above songs are available on iTunes. check.them.out.