At any rate, the pants dried, the Guinness made me warmer and the company made me smile. Maybe rainy days aren't so bad after all.
Also, I have not posted it here because I've been a little sheepish about it but, I am so thrilled to have been chosen as a general editor over at Sk*rt. The company of Sk*rt Editors and Sk*rt founders I am in is such an honor in itself! I am totally looking forward to bringing you and other web-savvy women awesome links to the world wide web. Get your Sk*rt on and see what all the buzz is about!
Yay for the wellies! I love mine too. And congrats on the Sk*rt thing, I've heard a lot about it so now I'm going to go over and see what it's all about!
oh, i'm sheepish, too. but then i read your blog and follow your links and think "if i'm even one-third as smart as she is...i'm doing just fine!"
love those wellies...
Yay for wellies, Guinness, and my fellow sk*rt editors.
Last time I had a Guinness was at the Warren Tavern in C-town. Now I'm craving one. Though I won't alarm everyone by cracking one open at 10:23 am.
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