Friday, March 28, 2008
Sorry about that, now go make some cupcakes!
The Agenda (so far) looks something like this:
- Dinner with good friends (and a menu of burgers, salad, tater-tots, cupcakes & red wine);
- Road trip to an enormous fabric store;
- Lunch with an old dear friend that I lost touch with;
- Dinner at a lovely steakhouse (that I have never been to!);
- Benefit (complete with live band) for Habitat for Humanity;
- Hugs from my favorite half pints and girl time with their amazing Mom;
- Lego tower building with my brother;
- Mini chocolate cupcakes with peppermint frosting (this is an experiment).
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I am not sure if Google Reader just made my life easier or will further cause more procrastination on my part.
First thing I do in the AM is read through my 'Daily Addictions' - now I can get them all on one screen.
I have two questions though:
1.) Why did I not know about this sooner?
2.) (So far)How did I live without this before?
Both of the above questions are boggling my mind right now...

Some of these came to work, some were given as thank-yous and others were eaten warm and frosted. Yum.
Monday, March 24, 2008

I posted over at Sk*rt about these babies a few weeks back but I think that they deserve their very own post. These underwears are the most comfortable things I have EVER worn in my entire life. My only problem is that I wish I bought more than just one pair!
Some nasty cold snuck in this weekend and took away any remaining energy that I had left. I will say though - some good people stuck it out and brought me tea and goodies in bed.
Back in action today.
You'll be seeing more of me for sure!
Friday, March 21, 2008

1. Take on Me - Aha (a classic 80's tune that I never get sick of)
2. Smack That - Akon
3. Black Velvet - Alannah Myles
4. I Don't Do Crowds - Camera Obscura
5. Neon - John Mayer
6. Put Your Hands Up - Fedde La Grand
7. Crutch - Pinback
8. Clumsy - Fergie
9. Little Things - Bush
10. Poison - Bel Biv DeVoe
I loved Sunshine Sometime from Kitsune Noir and I am thinking that sooner rather than later I am going to put together a little mix tape to share with you all.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008
When everyday food came in the mail you can imagine my joy when I found a basic everyday baking mix. It is a basic dry mix that you make in large batches to store in an airtight container. When the time comes and you need/want to whip up a quick batch of something yummy you add the wet ingredients and any other extras that you may want (chocolate chips, oatmeal, coconut, walnuts). Everyday Food gives you some basic recipes to work with but I am thinking of all the wonderful ways that you could jazz this basic mix up. Like some yummy chocolate chip and coconut cookies yuuuuuuuum.
As soon as I give this a whirl I'll post the recipe. It is time to get excited.
Thursday, March 13, 2008

When I came across eighty8words it was love at first sight. Each piece is handmade and carries with it a certain je ne sais quoi.
My favorites are "Smitten" and "Devoted." In each description there is a little quote that uses the word and most of them make my heart a flutter.
You seriously need to check this out.
eighty8words etsy shop
eighty8 words blog
*Have I mentioned that the shop owner is not only talented but super sweet as well?
{Image via eighty8words}
This Bluebell Birds and Leaves boxed set ($12!) from Paper Source. As always I can never get enough of everything in that store. I literally browse for hours and pretty much covet everything. I think these would be perfect to send a little “hello” note.
{image via Paper Source}

{image via Paper Source}
Anything monogrammed makes its way into my heart. I would love to have Megan from Megan creates work with me to create the perfect little note card.
{image via Megan creates}
While these don’t technically fall into the stationary category, I want them all the same. Calling cards seem to be all the rage lately and I cannot help but to stare at these and contemplate which one I like most! Less formal than a business card but classier than a napkin.
{images via Crane & Co. }
Oh! I just discovered these from Papyrus. I will be going over to get them on my lunch break. “See you later, alligator” and “How the devil are you?” (see the devil horn?!) These are too fun to pass up!
{images via Papyrus}
Monday, March 10, 2008

At any rate, the pants dried, the Guinness made me warmer and the company made me smile. Maybe rainy days aren't so bad after all.
Also, I have not posted it here because I've been a little sheepish about it but, I am so thrilled to have been chosen as a general editor over at Sk*rt. The company of Sk*rt Editors and Sk*rt founders I am in is such an honor in itself! I am totally looking forward to bringing you and other web-savvy women awesome links to the world wide web. Get your Sk*rt on and see what all the buzz is about!
Friday, March 7, 2008
A few of my favorite and some of my most coveted items are as follows:
No. 2 Task Clips
[via See Jane Work ]
French Magnets [via Traylor Papers ]
Self-adhesive Note To-Do [via Russell+Hazel ]
note: I love everything from this store
File Folders [via Cavallini & Co.]
note: Their Easter section is to die for
Beautiful Ballpoint Pens
[via Paper Source]
note: I cannot pick just one so I linked them all
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
My sister works at Whole Foods so I've sent her on a mission to find me some wheat kernals while I hunt for the perfect containers. Honestly, I cannot wait to have one of these on my desk.
I was also informed today that my sister made me a white ceramic regtangle pot at school! She is even going to attempt to make a saucer a la this picture that I am in love with:

I am more than lucky this spring!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Brooklyn based artist Alyssa Ettinger designs amazing "knitware" porcelain pieces. I could not love them more. From the fine detail of the ribbed edge to the gathered round bottom each peice is not only a work of art but a perfect representation of knitware. I know that not only knitters will find these pieces charming and down right lovely.
You can find Alyssa's shop here.
{Photos via Alyssa Ettinger Design}
Sunday, March 2, 2008

My friend Wendy asked me to help her with an idea for invites for her daughter's birthday party. She knew that since it was going to be a sleepover that she wanted the invites to somehow be in the form of sleeping bags. My immediate thought was little mini sleeping bags made out of fabric!
Originally I was going to put a zipper in the side so that they really would be a working mini sleeping bag. When I actually got to sewing them, I realized that I could sew it halfway shut and tack down the corner (to get the sleeping bag look) that way the invite would have a pocket to slide into.
Each sleeping bag is two coordinating fabrics with some polar fleece in the middle for that puffy look. After sewing the three layers together on three sides (right sides together with the fleece on the bottom), I ran a straight stitch across each third of the fabric. I folded the bottom open edge in and ironed it, then folded the whole shebang in half. Sew down the bottom half of the open side then across the bottom 'hem' to seal the deal. The last step was to fold down the open corner and then tack it from underneath to hold it open.
There was no real pattern that I used - I kind of made it up as I went along and the whole project went pretty quickly. Wendy had some AMAZING vintage fabric to work with that were all cut out in the same size squares so I just cut the polar fleece to fit.
The pocket will hold a check sized invite (the top picture shown has a check in the pocket). These were a bit hit with everyone - I wish that I was having a sleep-over so that I could send these invites out!
If there is enough interest in these buggers I am happy to put together a real tutorial with pattern so that you don't have to wing it like I did!

Saturday, March 1, 2008