Monday, December 15, 2008
oh, my dears
that is how long its been since i've written a sentance or even looked at my google reader or visited myfavorite peoples places or even showed the kirtsy girls anything fancy.
i wish i had a very good reason.
but the thing is, for a while i just couldn't feel it. the words weren't there and well, i just could not find them.
something about this lovely holiday season has renewed my vigor though in a way i thought imaginable and for that i could not be happier.
i promise you'll be seeing me here there and everywhere very very shortly.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
keeping with this once a week thing...
here is a thought for you today:
why wasn't the cosby show called the huxtables?
Monday, October 20, 2008
i just got a blackberry.
that should help.
or so i hope.
the past few days have been catch up.
cleaning up email.
mailing packages.
making dresses.
decorating for fall.
apple picking.
apple pies.
spending time with my love.
all the things that make you thankful really. and that is what this time of year is about right.
all this harvesting makes me think that the pilgrams were onto something with this giving thanks thing. it really seems to work out for everyone.
the next few weeks will be busy ones.
i am hoping that that will prompt me to be a little more back on track. i do better when i am busy. i am way more productive.
the part time job starts next week. super excited about that. i'll have a 2 year old playmate 2 days a week. and really, what is better than that?
Friday, October 10, 2008
just a little before i go
mainly do to the fact that my love showed up on my doorstep approximately 5 hours earlier than expected.
a very welcome surprise.
and me...well, i was still in morning mode.
bed head. jammies. a little mascara from yesterday.
a little mortified.
he tried to capture the moment on film. thankfully not. unfortunately i don't have the evidence to show you. i'll let your imagination run wild though.
but like i said. a very welcome surprise.
what is even better is that yesterday by way of being inspired by inchmark i started a journal.
Writing down 5 things that happened that day.
i can't wait to write this one down.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
mama + baby
she is sweet and bright and my heart just melts when i hear her say 'auntie.'
i think i am in trouble because this one. she makes it hard to say no.
but back to the point of this post.
this puzzle is from eeBoo via genius babies.
object of the game: match the mama with the baby.
how cool is that?
i think this is perfect for a very curious almost three year old. and really, who doesn't love baby animals.
maybe incorporate this with a trip to the petting zoo?
dare i say we have an adventure on our hands.
your message here
then this morning i came across this project.
full of rather ordinary, simple sentiments.
which really do mean the most.
no surprise that the creator is something's hiding in here.
and heartwarming.
and all together lovely.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
conundrum eh?
+ a nice little part time job in the works
+ a few more rows on the knitting project
+ quality time with dear friends
+ sleeping beauty on DVD
+ homemade chicken soup
- this debate
- missing someone so much that it hurts [only 3 more days!]
- not getting some exercise in
complaining though?
not at all because the good far out weighs the bad.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
i'm sure you've heard about it by now.
and if you have not. quick. go now.
but make sure that you've got a solid 3 hours to pour over project after gorgeous project.
i wish this site had existed when i first started knitting. there are some great resources. not to mention that everyone is so dang friendly!
i got up this morning KNOWING that i NEEDED to find the perfect pattern for a dear friends upcoming baby shower.
i flipped through the pages of both my 3 ring binders filled with patterns to find that perfect.
no luck.
so i logged into my ravelry and viola! i am now staring at the most perfect lovely baby something that i know momma and baby will adore.
why all the secrecy on what i am about to knit? the sweet momma reads here and well i've got to keep it a little quiet. right?
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
this little spot next to my bed with all my red journals has got to be one of my favorites.
top to bottom:
pocket planner
red moleskin journal
the most lovely journal that i have not been able to bring myself to use yet.
sitting on top of a vintage bureau scarf embroidered by my nana.
and that little iron lamp in the back ground...i'm missing home a little bit already.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
the happiest place on earth
i didn't ever think that i would love disney as much as i do. i got a print of this picture when i was there in june and every day it still makes me smile.
the swan. the deer. the rainbows and lighted walkway. tinkerbell. the weeping willow.
absolutely magical.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
new beginnings
the quiet over here, it has been the start of a new beginning.
i am taking some time - full time - to focus on the shop. to spend more time here. to kirtsy.
this beginning is such an exciting one for me. one that i have been looking forward to for a long long time.
and that photo there...just makes my heart sing. right?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
pay it forward

...Here's how it works: The exchange focuses on doing an act of kindness without expecting anything in return other than that the recipient will, in their turn, pass the kindness along and pay it forward.
I am going to agree to send something cute, fun and thoughtful to the first
In turn, those six will post this information and pick 3 people they want to send something to and so on.
I know that there are a few people who read here that don't blog so, feel free to comment and then send out an e-mail to your friends and family to see who wants to participate.
If you are interested in participating, be one of the first 6 people to leave a comment! [I am going to leave this posted all week or until there are 6 comments]
The little something that is sent can be something you made, bought, were given or found. Just make sure it's something that will make the person smile! There aren't any cost restraints but try not to go crazy!
By doing this, you must promise me that you will then post about this on your blog or send an e-mail and then send something to the first three people who sign up to play along through you. It's a small way to bring a smile to someones face!
I can't wait to send some fun items to the
Thank you Julie & Vana [two of my daily addictions] for inspiring this post and for reminding us all that it's the little things we do that can really make someone else's day!
Friday, August 29, 2008
i am blaming it on the three day weekend.
and the fact that in 30 minutes i will be leaving the office to head home.
a little bit later today,
when i have a few more moments,
there will be something awfully special happening on this page.
stay tuned...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
a couple of thoughts
...taking a photo a day of what you're wearing is more of a commitment than i thought it would be.
...this book is in the forefront of my mind. i know what i am going to write about and i couldn't be happier that my mom is going to write in it too.
...i've been thinking a lot lately about work/life balance. it is hard. my plate has been really full lately and even though i love it, i am starting to pull away from things that i really love because i don't have time. scratch that. because i have not found a good way to make time.
...holly hoffman is a blogger i totally connect with on so many levels. i found her blog today via a non-blogger friend. she says so many things that are just so right.
...cooler days mean more baking and cooking [always a good thing in my book] week i am de-stashing. pretty sure I am going to do a combination of putting it on etsy and then a giveaway here?
...nie nie and christan. i think most of you have heard by now. my thoughts and prayers are with them. the best way to help out here? donate? purchase? thinking about this one a lot because they really seem like an amazing family.
Friday, August 22, 2008
do not leave unattended
jude of randomly run 4ist run is doing an awesome project called "Do Not Leave Unattended - Random Dispatches from the Blogosphere."
i read about it on krissy's blog and immediately knew that it was totally something that i needed to be a part of.
and then, i got an e-mail this morning letting me know that i was next on the list!
i seriously cannot wait.
this project is one that makes my heart all pitter patter. snail mail is a wonderful thing in itself but a notebook sent through snail mail full of wisdom and writings and other wonderfulness from other bloggers...that my dears is priceless.
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Things I like about this [line by line, left to right]
- clean white lines but its still really warm and inviting; shabby chic-ness; arched dorways.
- I think I would like these more in the bathroom; amazing use of space, the wall paper, fantastic inspiration board; ampersands and black and white photos are perfect together.
- guest room loveliness; high beadboard walls and wood floors; vintage modern goodness.
Up for discussion.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday night
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Not only is she one of the most wonderful people you will work with, she is also amazingly talented.
Last week, when I was having a bit of a bad day, I stopped by her shop to order a few little pick-me-ups for my desk.
When I came home to this little package last night, I could not have been happier!

Monday, August 11, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
In honor of today being my 100th post I am going to send a lucky winner these babies:

5 [very powerful] magnets made with keys from a real vintage typewriter
Aren't they magical?
Etsy seller bubbo-tubbo is sweet as can be and I think I know why. Check out her studio space [scroll down to 'phm studio spaces: natasha mileshina (bubbo)'] .
I am in love love love.
So as a little thank you for always being here when I need you most, I want to give a bit of this love away.
To enter, simply leave a comment on this post. All comments submitted before 11:59 EDT today will be entered and I will announce the winner tomorrow.
Thanks for being the most wonderful readers and commenters a girl could ask for.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
It started yesterday with a lovely Etsy conversation asking for the dimensions of a quilt in the shop. A little while later after sending them off, I got an email saying that I had an order...YAY!
I log into paypal and there is no transaction. Strange.
I send a convo thanking the buyer and said:

The buyer wrote back:
I'd also like to note here that in the order 'Kathy' asked that we embroider the baby's name on the quilt [which we lovingly do for no extra charge].
I log onto paypal today and there is still no transaction. The even stranger thing is that now I have an e-mail from paypal with a link asking me to 'click to claim the money.' So I click and I enter my username and password ... and when I look to my history there is still no transaction.
I decide that before I convo the buyer again I am going to call paypal and see if there is a glitch.
And there was.
The woman I spoke with was Lindsey. I hope that everyone that works at paypal is like her. She was super attentive and had me walk her through the scenario. Then she asked me to read the e-mail to her. As soon as I did she said "That e-mail is not from paypal."
Then I picked my jaw up off the floor.
Apparently this is a popular scam. People set up these 'mirror sites' in hopes of getting 3 things:
a.) your username;
b.) your password; and
c.) a free item [thinking you will send without payment].
Lindsey walked me through a few things like changing my password and security questions. Then she gave me a quick rundown of how paypal works [no one can EVER get your bank/credit card info - which is relieving]. Lindsey also told me a few things to look out for.
At the end of the conversation she had me send the email to - they have a whole department that takes care of things like this. I also got a follow-up e-mail with some great paypal information and ways to protect against this in the future.
All is well that ends well. My account was not tampered with and I learned some valuable information.
Monday, August 4, 2008
I still don't know what this thing really is but my score was a 52 so that can't be bad right?
UPDATE: Are You Internet Famous? Use the Wired Celebrity Meter to find out how big a deal you really are. Our algorithm will dig through your personal pages to find out how many fans are following your online exploits.
There you have it. 52 fans.
Thank you thank you.
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Beach chairs. Fire. Corona. Low tide. Good company. I am not sure that there is a better Friday night out there.
[as i said all the photos here are taken with film - a disposable camera nonetheless - i might need to break out my old 35mm ha!]
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Pictures...taken with film!
I cannot even tell you the last time I used film. The excitement of what they are going to look like is kind of killing me. For years I have been so used to the instant gratification of digital photos and this little break is quite the nice one.
I can't wait.
What's more is that I finally get to share pictures from the past few weeks of deliciousness that include the peacefulness of Vermont, summer nights spent on the beach with a fire and of course time well spent with good friends.
Friday, August 1, 2008
I am fully aware of the worst habit I [or anyone for that matter] could have.
I take on too much.
The word 'yes' is probably the most over used word in my vocabulary.
Don't get me wrong - all that I have been doing...I love it. A lot.
It just makes things like this little spot take the back burner and well...I've missed it.
So I'm back...for good...go ahead and try to get rid of me.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I do however leave with with more new items in the shop.
And the promise of GREAT things to come upon my return.
Until then stay cool, stay dry...stay fly
Sunday, July 20, 2008
RADIO SILENCE...but not really
Also this weekend I've been working on doing the calligraphy for a lovely friend's wedding invitations.
I just can't stop...ok. back to work.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Not because I couldn't sleep.
Because I got involved.
Involved cutting out eight (yup, 8) patterns:
- Pinafore
- Rumba pants
- Romper [for boys]
- Blue linen dress [this one will be hard to part with]
- A few bibs
- Sundress thing
I also got involved making a dress [90% complete & sweet as heck].
The cool part: my mom and I were sewing [and ironing] together [obv. working on different projects]. I probably would not have stayed up so late had she not been. It is so great to have someone next to you that loves what you're doing as much as you do.
Getting me through right now: The fact that it is Friday and the gigantic iced coffee on my desk right now.*it is all for the shop
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Thoughts on this?
Honestly - best $20 I've spent in a long time. So far I've worn this:
- To a cookout
- To brunch [with a long sweater]
- Doing errands
- To a birthday party
- As a beach cover-up
I went back to buy another one because when this one dies, I am going to need a backup - there were no more though so I am thinking you can only get this online now?
I got a medium and it is 100% true to size.
via funky etsy shop: nostalgia
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I honestly wouldn't want to spend my night any other way.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
THE FIRST [of many]
I've got a little surprise for today.
It is a shop update.
A small update, but an update.
Over the next few days I will be adding more items so...keep your eyes peeled.
And please please let me know if there is something you'd like to see in there but isn't. Ok?
I added a new section called 'Samples.' Basically, it will be a great place to get lux risa items at a little bit of a discount since they will be 'first additions.' It is always a little tough working with or on a new pattern and there are always little imperfections. The imperfections are not anything that compromise the integrity of the garment, they are just little oops here and there that no one [but me] will notice. Instead of having a growing pile of first additions hanging around, I'll put them in the shop!
So la la la. That is my great news of the day!
Monday, July 14, 2008
The writers block that is.
Something happened last week - it was like all the words were just gone.
I'm pretty sure that it had something to do with time management.
And maybe a little something to do with still wanting to be on vacation.
But I am back, and I am here for good.
This weekend was a wonderful one filled with good friends, good family and good times. It was the perfect amount of relaxation and excitement. Last night I fell asleep feeling very content with it all. That my friends is how every Sunday should end - perfectly ready to face the coming week with vigor and excitement.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Last night I got home from work and instead of posting here, or on Kirtsy and instead of going to the gym, my mom and sister convinced me to go see Wall.E with them.
I am so glad I did.
This movie is one of the best I have seen in a long long time. Sweet and funny and 100% completely fascinating. I literally could not take my eyes away from the screen.
You have to see it.
Plus, it has robots in it and really, who doesn't love robots?
Monday, July 7, 2008
I'll be posting a humdinger later so...stay tuned!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Studio Inspiration
In getting back from vacation [which I do promise to post about] and getting ready for a long weekend, I've begun to think about the best way to utilze a small workspace.
Before flickr became my best friend I would just save images to my hard drive so unfortunately I don't have the original image links. I know that 2 & 3 are Martha Stewarts personal studio. The others...well make me wish I had a space like theirs!
Until then I am going to try and incorporate some great shelving for storage, a table to cut on possibly and am going to join the hoop-la.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Karey M. has me thinking about being nice lately.
Being nice I think is not always easy. Sometimes...well sometimes a case of the nasties gets in the way. Sometimes even when I have the nasties but try oh so very hard to be nice, nasty gets the best of me and I really don't like that.
You see, it is pretty hard to get me all worked up but once I am is kind of like a tornado and without meaning to be nasty there I am. After all is said and done I always feel terrible awful. That I could have stopped that I should have stopped but right there and then I just wouldn't couldn't.
I always say I'm sorry...does that count as being nice?
So, I am [belatedly] joining the nice contest because really, being nice is way better than having to feel nasty about being naughty.
Monday, June 30, 2008
You really really do. Coming home to those oh so very kind words made my heart swell with thanks.
Disney was amazing and beautiful and insanely and thoughts are coming soon I promise. As soon as I get over the loveliness of these women [which will probably be never] I swear I'll be able to write again.
Friday, June 27, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Words and pictures
My name is Mary, and I am lucky enough to know Sarah through our editor roles at Kirtsy. She was the first editor I connected with personally - partly due to the fact that she also lives here in Massachusetts, but more so because Sarah is a pretty darn fabulous girl.
Among other things, Sarah and I share a love for inspiring words and beautiful images. I can think of no better way to honor my sweet friend during my guest posting duty for today with a few of my favorite quotes paired with some great eye candy. I hope you enjoy them, too!

via turnipkit

via Jen Gotch
via Camilla Engman
via SylviaK
via b_espadana

via speckledegg

via Let's Explode

via 500CPM

via Nothing Mind
P.S. Be sure to check back Friday for a guest post by one of the best people ever.