i truly adore everything about it. the way it feels. the way it smells.
i love writing on it.
i especially love a nice thick cotton paper.
that said it is no surprise that invites have been one of the toughest decisions i have had to make.
mr. lemon pie is surely a little weary of my [almost] daily 'do you like this one?' link and photos.
i've also decided that i am going to design and print my own invites which is really another whole post in itself.
did i mention that they just opened a BRAND NEW paper source 30 minutes from my house?!
a few invites that i am coveting at the moment:

i heart the flourishes and colors. especially the craft paper matchbook. most of all i love the 'accept' and 'decline' stickers! [can you even believe that these are DIY?!]
where do i start. the envelope liner? swoon. the textures? double swoon. the font?....can someone help me up off the floor please?
omg. the photo corners. how can you not love this? extra points for the vintage book look. love. love. love. duh.

simple, clean and scalloped. this has everything you need for a knock 'em dead invite suite. plus i have a thing for postcards.
this is pretty similar to what i *think* we want. vintage feel. poster style. clean lines. simple but elegant font.
our invites will read 'summer cocktail attire' so we want our invites to have a relaxed yet classy feel.
am i asking too much?
what did you look for in your invites? did you have your heart set on a particular style or were you more go with the flow?